| Used Boats for sale by owner since 1983. BoatsFSBO™ |
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1981 Sea Ray Cuddy Cabin
 | Contact Information |  |
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 |  |  |  | Call Boat Owner Aldo 609-709-1570.
Basic Decription: New engine 1999, semi water cooled only 450 hours on it.
Hard Top with all around canvas.
Meter-Roseland Saturn Compas, Richie MG10 electric.
Hummingbird depth fish finder, Radio VHF Standard 6x1250.
GPs Garmin CHart Plotter 182 with Garmin Blue Chart NYNJ.
Mounted Spotlight, AMFM Radio JVD, Portable Sanipotti, Fire Ext., Lines and more. 70 Gal Gas capacity, 2 Bunks, Was Coast Guard Auxiliary Facility
Asking Price: 13,990.00
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