| Used Boats for sale by owner since 1983. BoatsFSBO™ |
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1993 Fountain Lightning
 | Contact Information |  |
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 |  |  |  | Call Boat Owner Geoffrey 216-272-5201.
Pristine condition 1993 Fountain Lightning with under 350 hrs(all fresh water) -HD Aluminum Tri-axle trailer, new bearings, bunks, tires and 2 spares -Fully surveyed/inspected in May of 2011(report available) -3 blade SS props, Bravo I drives, silent choice exhaust, trim adjust on steering wheel -New stereo, speakers and amp -Added 2 additional batteries and 4-way charging system -All upholstery(interior and exterior) in great condition, no rips or stains, cockpit carpets -Kept on lift during season, never stayed in water -Garage and Trailer kept in off-season -Meticulously maintained, previous owner was freak about maintenance and cleaning(as am I, that's why I bought it) -Cockpit cover and full boat cover, porta-potti -Runs mid-high 70's and has no issues whatsoever.
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