| Used Boats for sale by owner since 1983. BoatsFSBO™ |
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1975 Dell Quay Dory Fisher
 | Contact Information |  |
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 |  |  |  | Contact Boat Owner Thomas 781-631-4717 or thom.hoffman@verizon.net
Dell Quay Dory Fisherboat
19.0 ft.
OAL, 6.0 ft.beam, 16"draft.
Rugged molded fiberglass construction with built-in 500 lb. swamped buoyancy.
Powered by a SABB (Norway engine mfr. - not Swedish SAAB automobile mfr.) 6-8 HP, one cylinder, 4 stroke diesel engine with fresh water cooling via an integral pump.
Boat is steered by tiller and has a mizzen mast with sail for stability when required.
Comfortable cruising speed is 6-8 knots.
Has 2:1 built-in gear reduction and clutch for integral variable pitch propellor.
Electric start for engine which recharges 12 volt storage battery when running. (SABB engine parts available in USA at SABB American East Inc. in Florida at sabbamerica@aol.com)
Boat is presently stored under cover in a garage in Marblehead, Mass. on its trailer ready for transport. (trailer requires some upgrading and wiring repairs for over- the- road travel)
Boat seats 4-6 persons comfortably but can carry 10- 12 if required.
There is ample varnished woodwork in the interior of the boat.
Boat is fully found with a 15 lb. anchor on chain and rope rode, several fenders, six new life jackets, several cushions, a dodger, automatic electric bilge pump, and an auxiliary hand operated high-volume bilge pump, running lights, an electric horn, several penant staffs, docking lines, boat hook, paddle, and a fold- out solar panel to keep battery charged.
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