| Used Boats for sale by owner since 1983. BoatsFSBO™ |
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1995 Bayliner 1705 Capri
 | Contact Information |  |
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 |  |  |  | Call Boat Owner Giles 845-702-0362 845-331-2279.
Basic Decription: - power trim , electric trolling motor with pedal ,
2 fish finders , marine radio wantenna ,life jackets , flotation
pillow , paddle , ski tube , ski pole setup , pole holders , bow cover
and cabin cover , bow cushion , 2 removable fishing seats , 2
stationary seats ,anchor,live well in bow ,200 hrs max .
New house
must sell.Never docked ,excellent condition , trailer , no spare ,walk
thru windshield .
Asking Price: 6500.00
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