2004 Crestliner CMV 1850

2004 Crestliner CMV 1850 $17,900.00

manuals for boat and engine in a pouch, am/fm stereo cd, state registered, 1 year warranty on motor lifetime on hull, full boat cover-detachable tongue, 6' long livewell aerated-27 gal, power tilt and trim on engine, 2 coolers hold 50lbs ice each, locking rod compartment, lots of storage

Contact Name: Rick
Contact Phone: 434-975-0531
Type: Power
Year: 2004
Length: 18′
City: Charlottesville
State: Virginia
Engine: Yamaha 4 stroke
Engine Count: Single
Engine Hours: <20 Drive: OB Horsepower: 115 Fuel: Gas Hull Material: Aluminum Beam: 8' Draft: not given Condition: Mint
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