2002 Lowe R1655 TN

2002 Lowe R1655 TN $4,750.00

electric start, only in water about 10 times, 2 fishing pedestal seats front and rear, single axle trailer Lowe, motorguide trolling motor 48 Lbs. thrust, always fresh water, seats, Mercury 20 HP Jet with the Tunnel Bottom (Less than 10-15 Hrs.) Almost like new!

Contact Name: Calvin
Contact Phone: 417-581-1430
Type: Power
Year: 2002
Length: 16′
City: Stockton
State: Missouri
Engine: Mercury Jet
Engine Count: Single
Engine Hours: 10
Drive: OB
Horsepower: 20
Fuel: Gas
Hull Material: Aluminum
Beam: 6′
Draft: not given
Condition: Excellent
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