2003 Fountain Executioner $91,500.00

Please contact the owner directly @ 859-468-7486 or rvlovett(at)fuse(dot)net.2003 35FT Executioner.
Price Reduced.
Boat is in excellent condition, clean and garage kept.
Performs beyond expectations.
Twin Mercury 525 EFI's with headers, Mercury Bravo XR Drives, Mercury Bravo One 4-Blade Props, on board battery charger, Silent Choice exhaust, Latham hydraulic steering, Mercury K-Planes, cockpit carpet, electric bolsters, jumper cable with receptacles, dual optima batteries, step pads, compass, depth finder, drive indicators, tab indicators, Livorsi Gauges amp & subs stereo with CD player, built-in cooler, porta potti, pressure water system with sink, two cockpit covers with full cover, transom mount swim ladder, Loadmaster aluminum triple axle trailer.
You'll not find a cleaner performance boat.
Contact Name: Randy
Contact Phone: 859-468-7486
Type: Power
Year: 2003
Length: 35′
City: Lake Cumberland
State: Kentucky
Engine: Mercruiser
Engine Count: Twin
Engine Hours: 220
Drive: I/O
Horsepower: 525
Fuel: Gas
Hull Material: Glass
Beam: 8′ 3″
Draft: not given
Condition: Very Good
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Original Listing: http://BoatsForSaleByOwners.net/96248